Soup 1 of 52
Italian Wedding Soup
A celebratory soup to kick off my 52 Soups Project in 2024
I'm going on an adventure to make a different soup every week in 2024. That's 52 different soups. Ideally one a week, but life happens so I know my soup making (and eating) may not always be on schedule.

Why 52 soups? I just like soup. It's fun to cook. But really, my motto in '24 is Consume Less (a resolution of sorts) and cooking at home is a big part of that. I've worked so hard the past few years with schedules that are all over the place and it's frankly easier in NYC to whip out your phone, click a few buttons, and voila - dinner arrives 20 minutes later.

But this year is different. I want less, not more this year. Less takeout, less plastic, less mindless online shopping, less mindless social media consumption, just ... less.

Italian Wedding Soup is up first for New Year's Eve/Day. When I create recipes they tend to be a relaxed approach to ingredient amounts, but I try to be as helpful as possible when it comes to tips and tricks.

I’m also excited to give substack a try and will be posting the rest of the recipes there. Today though, the recipe for Italian Wedding soup below for all to enjoy, and would love for you to consider subscribing to follow along for future posts/recipes in my 52 Soups Project journey this year!
@lobosworth Trying to make 52 different soups in 2024 for a tasty way to support my personal theme/resolution in 2024 which is “Consume Less” - less takeout, less mindless online shopping, less plastic, less stuff. 51 to go! What soups should i make!?!?! #ConsumeLess2024 #52soupsthisyear ♬ original sound - Lo Bosworth
Italian Wedding Soup Recipe
1 down, 51 to go. What other soups should I make this year? Lmk in the comments.

Xo, Lo