Work Life Balance
2022-07-19 15:29 Balance

Welcome to my Work Life Balance blog!


It's me, Lo Bosworth. This is the first "note" from the CEO (me) on my Work Life Balance blog, and this one's coming from my desk. It's a standing desk with a walking treadmill underneath for those looking for a visual. Let's get to the point of this whole thing by answering a few questions right away:

Q: Who am I?
A: I'm Lo Bosworth, the Founder/CEO of Love Wellness, a best-selling total body care company for women. We make probiotics, vaginal suppositories, safe personal hygiene products and more that help you go from feeling blah to balanced, achieving the type of total body harmony that fad diets and impossible lifestyles promise to manifest within you but struggle to deliver. I started LW almost 7 years ago now when I was struggling with my own chronic illnesses (depression, anxiety, yeast infections, and more) and couldn't find the right brand or plan making clean, innovative products that helped me get better. 

This experience with chronic illness became the catalyst I needed to move my life forward, with my career and my personal life. I needed to get better so that I could not only live a fulfilling life, but one of enjoyment as well. I became my own health advocate, did research, learned about the incredible connection between the gut-brain-vagina and started my business with a mission of helping women everywhere have a better relationship with personal care that's based in education, feel-good messaging, beautiful packaging, but above all - products that actually work. Now, we're one of the most popular women's brands available in the United States at some of your favorite places to shop like Target and Ulta Beauty.

Q: What's this blog about?
A: As I mentioned I'm 7 years into building Love Wellness and I've reached the point in the maturation of the business where I'm ready to start sharing more of myself with you all again. I have been heads down focused on product development, brand building, team building, retail-relationship building, budget building and all of the other things that come with being a Founder/CEO for a very long time, and now feel confident enough in my skillset that I believe I can offer something of value with you: the secrets I've learned along the way that have helped me gain the success I have over the past few years. The secrets are many, but they come down to one key skill I've mastered: achieving work-life balance.

Q: How do you define work-life balance and what can I expect to find here?
A: To me, the definition of work-life balance is living a life within boundaries you set for yourself that help you rest and play well so that performing your best is also pleasurable and fulfilling. Boundaries! For yourself! And others! 

I'll be sharing the boundaries I set for myself for:
  • work (think 9 to 5 optimization)
  • life (like how to eat and move while living with gut and vaginal health issues)
  • balance (rules are meant to be broken within reason, hehehe)

And more stuff, of course. We'll figure it out together so that you can get to where you wanna be goin' too. In the meantime, check out all the incredible products we make at Love Wellness for gut-brain-vaginal bliss. They are made to work together, the health changes our customers experience are incredibly powerful (read the reviews), and they can help you get one step closer to mastering my one key skill. The first thing I learned building this business is that when you feel good in your body, everything else becomes easier.

More to come,